Swimming pool, sound of water and kids shouting
Tags: Voice, Natural sound, Artificial sound
In the office. Overlap of personal and professional conversations.
Tags: Voice, Storytelling
Brussels, leaving my domestic space to go to the office,…
Tags: Voice, Natural sound, Artificial sound
Mamma di Michele: “Quando diventi grande te ne devi andare…
Tags: Voice, Natural sound, Artificial sound, Other sound
Un passaggio del libro “Io non ho paura” di Niccolò…
Tags: Voice, Natural sound, Artificial sound
Questi suoni rappresentano il desiderio di fuga verso la libertà.…
Tags: Voice, Natural sound, Artificial sound
Il pallone batte su un muro, Michele insieme ai suoi…
Tags: Voice, Natural sound, Artificial sound
“Ecco cosa dovevo fare: mi dovevo spalmare di terra. Non…
Tags: Voice, Natural sound